This close to having a mental breakdown.
Hello, ODSP.
Take a seat.
Eyes up here.
Leans in
Da fuck?
My ODSP Approval
So we need to go back to the main article on this website: So, How F@$ked Am I?
At the end, I said I got approved for ODSP. That was on September 11th.

Oh I remember that day.
At that point, I had given up hope and was ready to see my aunt on the other side.
But my Ontario Works caseworker calls and tells me I’ve been approved for ODSP.
Like, holy shit.
As I said, I didn’t even get to submit my own documents just because of everything that I was going through all at once.
And that was done in less than a month? That’s insane, practically unheard of.
I even took it as a sign the universe wants me to live just because of how unprecedented that is.
That’s amazing! Now I just needed to wait to receive the payments.
But then I got nothing but silence for weeks.
Odd. Should it be taking this long? I’m kinda being kicked out on the streets here.
It was only on October 11th, when I just so happened to be looking at my bank account, waiting for a direct deposit from my Ontario Works caseworker that, I happen to see this:

And yeah, it actually took me by surprise because as I said, I haven’t heard anything from ODSP since my approval letter. And neither has my caseworker.
In fact, following that payment, I learned that they basically snatched up my case file from my Ontario Works caseworker.
That really irked me.
Firstly, the caseworker I had with Ontario Works at that time was great. Awesome, very communicative and the folks I met at the Bridalwood Employment & Social Services were genuinely empathetic about my situation.
Secondly, this means my Ontario Works caseworker, who was very familiar with my situation, now had no control over what happens to my file, so there’s nothing she can do.
But okay, fine.
My file needs to go to a new caseworker since OW and ODSP are different branches (confirmed this with my former caseworker).
It sucks, but that’s life. Okay.
So, who is my new caseworker then?
The answer to that was, apparently, no one.
Caseworker Limbo
Yeah, so basically, I’m left with no one to help me during a crisis, because I’m still waiting for a ODSP caseworker.
And was this resolved within a few days?
A few weeks?
Okay, maybe a month?
Hahaha, still no.
Yesterday, on November 14th 2024, I learned that I didn’t have a proper caseworker for my case file for THREE FUCKING MONTHS.
*deep breath*
Okay, so let’s take a seat back.
During that time when my case file was seemingly in limbo, someone who seemed to be my caseworker, signed my letters at the Willowdale ODSP office.
And I want to highlight just how strange my experience was.
Even if you ask me who she was, I have no idea.
And even now, I have never spoken to her directly.
I don’t even know what she looks like.
That’s because whenever I call the Willowdale ODSP office, I got no response. Just the “Your call is very important to us” call waiting jiggle.
And when I went there in person to try and get my case file expedited because of how terrible my situation is, she wasn’t in the office or I needed to make an appointment.
My only interactions with her were through the MyBenefits portal, and the responses I got were very automated.
Like this one here when I ask what options I have as a self-employed person and I just get thrown a link to the ODSP website.

Now compare that, to just a random message between me and my former Ontario Works caseworker:

Like, omg, it’s like I’m actually talking to someone!
But yeah, there is a stark contrast there.
So making my best guess with what I know now, I don’t believe she was my official caseworker, but instead someone just micromanaging it or overseeing my file at the Willowdale office, so I’m not left completely in the dark while I waited for an official caseworker.
Things even got so bad, that I went to Jill Andrew’s office for help. No response on that part, but at the same time, I shouldn’t have to go to an MPP’s office for help with something like this.
And then there’s the thing with it saying my ODSP start date is September 1st.

As you saw in the earlier photo, my application was received on August 19th, and that should be my start date, because now I’m missing a backpayment I should have received. [Source:]
My New Landlord
Now before I get to the events of today and yester, I need to inform you of my new housing situation.
My new landlord and I met just out of dumb luck, but we both enjoy the vibes of each other.
He’s understanding of my situation and wants to help out, but at the same time, business is business. We can be good friends, but at the end of the day, it’s still a tenant and landlord kind of deal.
And I respect that a lot.
Especially as someone who has dealt with people who will seemingly offer something out of kindness, but actually they’re now expecting you to bend over backwards for them.
It’s refreshing to connect with people who can draw the line between personal relationships and finances.
Now with that said, you would think this should be a simple ordeal for both of us:
I tell ODSP I have a new place, ODSP pays him, he’s happy to get money deposited right into his account without bothering me and I’m happy I’m not on the streets.
Apparently, ODSP missed that memo.
ODSP and Housing Payments
So, I’m going to take my time addressing ODSP Discrimination and Landlords in its own little bubble sometime in the future.
But with what we’ve both experienced in this situation, even as someone who will gladly watch 99% of landlords burnt at the stake, it has made me somehow empathize with why landlords wouldn’t want to deal with ODSP in terms of main payment.
My landlord made a lease agreement for me on November 6th, and I submitted it the following the day, November 7th. I even went directly to the Willowdale Office, in addition to sending it via MyBenefits, to make sure they see it.
During that time until today (November 15th 2024), we heard nothing from ODSP.
Uh huh.
So during that time, because my landlord is accommodating to my situation, I’m paying him nightly out of pocket, until I hear from ODSP.
Not even entirely with my own money, but money my adoptive dad in Barbados is sending me to help out.
And remember: I can’t even call the office to ask them what’s up.
Now, I need you to think about if I was dealing with any other landlord.
They sure as fuck would not have the patience for this.
On one occasion when I was looking at a place, I told the landlord that I’d like to pay via direct deposit (because that’s how they would receive it from ODSP, or through the HSF-Housing Stabilization Fund).
No. e-transfer only.
Which is usually fine, because it’s quick, easy and convenient.
No one wants to deal with an extra stressor if they don’t have to.
And remember, if I mention I’m on ODSP, I may as well tell him I’m not paying him at all and that I will set his house on fire, because of how landlords see ODSP recipients.
But to be fair, at this point, I was goddamn ready to torch the ODSP building if I needed to.
Other Than That, Are ODSP Payments Bad Though?
I remember someone on the ODSP subreddit, in response to a post, saying landlords don’t want to deal with ODSP recipients because it’s not a guaranteed source of income.
Let me be quite frank with that: Neither is your job, bub.
You can literally be fired the next day from any literally job, no matter how long you’ve been there.
Or in one of my cases, suddenly walk out on the job when you’ve finally had enough of your manager treating you like a slave (Get it? It’s because I’m black lol)
Even with a higher-up job, with what my ex told me of their former boss, upper management can walk in one day and just fire you on the spot.
If anything, ODSP is a more stable source of income than your job.
Why? Because you’ll still get payments once you’ve already started receiving them.
With a traditional job, you’ll receive one last payment after you’re suddenly jobless. And now you have to try and find another job before you run out of money (I’ve also been there).
And unless Jesus MOTHERFUCKING Christ comes up from his grave and heals you of all your disabilities on the spot and then he reports it to ODSP to tell them you’re now a fully-abled human being, you shouldn’t expect to stop receiving payments anytime soon.
One situation I can only think of is if you change your banking information, something that happened to me and the reason I didn’t get OW payments for a little bit. But again, that can happen with a job as well.
Finally, let’s talk about November 14th, 2024.
I’m doing my daily routine of checking if I received any letters in the MyBenefits portal.
Oh, I did.
My case file got moved to the ODSP Parkdale office and I have a new caseworker.
OH, THANK FUCK! I was so fed up with the Willowdale’s office BS at this point.
So now I’ve made it my priority to go down there that instant and talk with my new caseworker.
Got some good pics too!

And holy shit, I went in and actually get to talk to my caseworker.
Just that alone, was a worthy achievement in my eyes.
Although I do want to ask why the Parkdale ODSP office is built like a prison office (I think I can fathom a guess as to why, lol).
Like, there were two security guards at the entrance. And the rooms are sealed off by, assumingly bulletproof glass dividers and document slots for giving or receiving things between clients and the workers.
A little intense, but despite its appearance, everyone was rather nice/pleasant.
I tell the person at the desk that I have an urgent matter regarding my case file and housing.
I’m asked for my member ID, and then I just wait for my caseworker to call for me.
A New Caseworker, At Long Last.
I meet my supposed new case worker and I can tell she’s pretty down to earth.
I explain my situation and she ACTUALLY HELPS ME.
Like, Oh my god.
So the first thing she pointed out to me is that because my address kept changing, my file kept being knocked around in the system.
This means that since I was homeless and always updated my address in MyBenefits to reflect my new location, it added to the delay in finding a caseworker.
That sounds like a glaring oversight in the system, but okay.
Nice to get some clarification on that.
Not only that, but my mailing address (the address of my PO Box) is apparently the address they were using as my actual residential address?

Like, I’m still confused about that myself, but okay!
Next up, you want to know how I found out I didn’t have a proper ODSP caseworker?
My new caseworker asks me if I’ve been through the intake process.
And obviously, I’m not sure what she’s talking about…until she shows me the form.
I recognize the intake form, and I did sign one, but not for ODSP.
When I got relocated to Toronto from Sudbury back in July, I signed an Ontario Works Intake form at the Bridalwood office.
So, this means that this entire time, not only did I not have a caseworker for three months now, I wasn’t even formally read my rights as an ODSP recipient.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
Quick Edit – Funnily enough, my ODSP benefits (in addition to my health card) worked just fine since the day of approval. Like I was getting my medicine fully covered, as well as my ambulance trips to the ER. I even got a much-needed dental cleaning at the start of the month at St. Raphael’s Dental Care.
Now, for that rental payment.
Okay, her hands are a little tied here.
I’ve already sent in the Housing Stabilization Fund form, so we called and they said to call back next week or the week after.
So that’s going to be a bit.
Hmm, alright, let’s cheat a bit here.
One of the benefits I’m entitled to, she can issue that day and what I do with that, it’s up to me. Like say, pay my landlord the remaining sum of rent so I’m not homeless.
And with that done, I breathe the biggest sigh of relief since this whole thing started.
My Goddess above, what a fucking nightmare this has been.
Actually treated myself to Starbucks and a stromboli from Pizza Pizza.
Look, I even got a free reusable red cup with my coffee:

Today: November 15th 2024
I’m still in bed, taking a much-deserved rest.
My landlord calls for me: “Good news, we got the letter from ODSP!“.

Okay, so let’s go over this:
I sent the form in on November 7th.
They approved and sent the letter out on November 8th.
There was also Remembrance Day on November 11th, which would have added to the delay.
Talking about this with my landlord, he says they’re being pretty quick about this all things considered.
And he’ll even reimburse the money I sent him up now.
That’s good! There’s just one thing I want to know:
I sure as shit didn’t get a letter about this in MyBenefits, so we’ve been wondering what’s going on while they sent a letter via snail mail.
Oh my god.
Closing Notes
I’ve just finished this article at around 7 PM, and now I’m looking outside and it’s dark again before I’ve had a chance to go out today.
That aside though, now that I’ve gone through the process, I can pretty confidently tell you that relying on ODSP to help you with housing is a joke.
Is this what it takes? For me to have a landlord who’s also a friend/family so to be able to survive and not be homeless on ODSP?
That is unacceptable.
At least now I know that if you’re going to try to use the Housing Stabilization Fund, you’ll need to find a landlord who’s willing to give you a lease agreement one month in advance and is fine with direct deposit payments.
Unrealistic to those of us who face eviction at a moment’s notice.
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